Recently finished the character creation PDF, 16 pages detailing the how and why of a creation process. Care was taken to make sure that every ability stat had an intrinsic value. Stat dumping and optimizing are still possible, but it creates holes and the holes create personality and life in a character.
Your character has 2 core means of measuring themselves against each other and the world. First Vitality, this measures how a character can absorb physical harm. It is the difference between and a glass jaw and an iron jaw. Second is Mentality, the measure of mental fortitude. This would be the difference between a strong will with a powerful personality and someone who is easily manipulated.
If in character creation you dumped a lot of abilities that govern Mentality, in favor of min/maxing toward a heavy melee build. Your character would be the quintessential "dumb brute". This would lead them to be easily manipulated, though they would wreck face.
Conversely if you were to dump Vitality governing stats in favor of building a charismatic and intelligent orator, you're gonna need those words to keep you alive. Better yet, use those words to convince the brute to keep you alive.
One can always choose a middle of the road approach and be a jack of all trades. A well rounded character is versatile and strong. The focus is more on the jack of trades side, not so much the master of none.
With Mentality driving aggro control, taunt is more than an arbitrarily implemented thing to keep a tank sticky. In fact a smart tanking does not need to be a separation of player and character knowledge at all.
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