Monday, February 3, 2014

No Hitpoint Combat

        There is no quantified pool of health to be whittled away at. Instead there are measurements of damage that allow you to add points or dice to the pool, that is rolled against the Vitality. When you pass a character's threshold for physical pain they are knocked unconscious. This is a mechanic that was dubbed the Rolling DC, rolling a pool that accumulates progress towards a greater DC.
         With a pool for both physical and mental trauma this creates an interesting battlefield full of visceral strikes and clever manipulations. I make the claim of realistic combat and I base this off my personal experiences in combat sports. Just look at any high tier combat sport, there is a psychology to combat. To set up a proper head kick one must condition the enemy to lower their hands. Much like in poker, where you must show you are willing to bluff to draw someone into a big pot.
         Long story short, the mind is part of combat. To reflect this the pool a character rolls to attack or defend includes a physical stat, a mental stat, and the skill used. Which brings us to skills.
        Skills really help shape a character. Care was taken to make skills relevant and useful. Skills govern the techniques a character can take and facilitate an intricate character building system, based off skill use, not XP.

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