Wasteland Savages
As I write of the Mugai it should be said that these savages do not recognize the proper gods that watch over the people of the lands of Kestor. No, the Mugai pay homage to effigies of carved stone, wood, and bone made in the image of the great flying metal beasts from the time of the magics of metal and light. These erect, looming totems wreathed in flame, indicative of the fire borne from the wings and tails of these great beasts, sway creepily as the Mugai dance around them calling out to their evil metal gods. Yes, it should be said that the Mugai have deified the beasts of metal that took to the skies on that fateful day, the day that the true gods visited their vengeance on man with those dark seeds.
The nomadic Mugai wander the shifting sands to the east and the Kryschere wastes still further east. A Mugai is often tall, masked, wrapped in fabrics and skins light in color, to protect them from the beating sun and the winds that whip sand across the flesh. When the masks are removed their leathery faces are thoroughly tattooed with lines that ring the mouth and eyes. They will often have large smooth stones stretching holes in their cheeks and a shaven head, save a single strip of hair kept in a braid that they never cut and wrap about their neck area. They fight with shields and simple bone tipped spears. Their wizards can call forth the elements of nature to burn men alive. Their shaman channel the spirits of the long dead beasts granting them great strength and even wield a great metal stave that will breath fire and spit metal, though this is exceedingly rare.
The Mugai are said to make a trek to the lands holy to their blasphemous beliefs in the Kryschere wastes, once a year, where they claim that their gods grant them gifts of metal and light, the weapons of old, and even the lore known as Tek to the peoples of Sansal and Raizt. Yes, it should be said the the strange men of Sansal and Raizt, who’s cities rest on the far side of the shifting sands make trades to the Mugai and maintain cordial relations with them.
The Mugai are known for their use of human sacrifice and other dark rituals of killing and improper conduct, on this I will say no more. They are not to be trusted, they are to be killed, for they are beyond reform in the eyes of the Great Temple. I Sir Pieter Smith, Keeper of Lores, will personally pay 2 coins to the man who brings me the head of a Mugai that has the seed of the god’s vengeance active. The head to be kept on display at the Great Temple’s Hall of Sins and Reckoning, so that it may stare hungrily as it gnashes teeth and writhes in vain, until the day it finally expires and shall be cast into the furnace. I shall make good on my offer of 2 coins until the day the seed of the gods vengeance takes me and I too gnash in the Hall of Sins and Reckoning.